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Top 5 Favorite Bars for the Busy Bee #BusyBeeBars



As someone who’s constantly on the run in between meetings, events, and traveling, nothing beats a solid protein bar to maintain satiated and up to speed with day-to-day tasks. Personally, I appreciate the convenience and immediate satisfaction, so I’m a TOTAL bar junkie..protein bars, granola bars..You name em, I love em.

OH, and anything with peanut butter already has my heart so there’s that. Pack em in your purse, backpack, pocket..boom! You’re set (until you can actually sit down and enjoy a full-on meal).

Here are my personal Top 5 picks when it comes to the ideal bar to chow down on:

  1. Perfect Bar – Boy oh boy, don’t even get me started on these babies. I could LIVE off these kiddos. Anything nut butter based, particularly peanut butter has essentially captured my heart. My all-time favorite flavor is the Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter flavor mainly because it reminds me of cookie dough! However, it’s even better because it contains fricken peanaut butter AND chocolate chips! (Chocolate is my other love, sorry PB) Call me nuts but I’m nuts (pun intended) over Perfect Bars (and clearly peanut butter…)
  2. Square Organics – Some of my favorite flavors are Peanut Butter (go figure), Mint Chocolate, and Chocolate Crisp (Psssst.. you can get 20% off with code: KimiasKravings)
  3. RX Bar – 3 Eggs, 6 Almonds. THAT’S IT. Nothing else. No BS. Hey that’s the truth! RX tells ya what’s inside these bars on the outside (it’s okay to judge a book by its cover in this case). These are essentially meals in themselves so they’re perfect for those days that go by so fast that you didn’t even see the transition between night and day. Some of my all-time flavors are Mint, Peanut Butter, and Chocolate Sea Salt.
  4. Quest Bar – Pop em in the microwaves and you’ve got a nice brownie-like texture of a protein bar! My personal favorites are Cookie Dough, Oreo, and Peanut Butter (told you I love peanut butter lol)
  5. Luna Bar – Hands down the best flavor I’ve ever tasted is the Coconut chocolate
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